All Salaam Sir Nobles, Lady Nobles, and Sultana’s: February 2021
Grand Commanders Comments:
Finally there’s GOOD news to write about; the vaccine’s to prevent COVID-19 are now available. Most all the members of Ben Ziri are in the priority to receive the vaccine and I hope you have gotten yours or are scheduled soon. I received my first one through the VA early January (with no side effects) and scheduled for the second one next Monday.
Unfortunately, COVID-19 is still with us, and will be for some time yet, the vaccine is the start to get our lives back to ‘normal ‘or what ever the new ‘normal’ will be. It’s been almost 1 year since we have had any events or meetings. Last years St Patty’s day social and scholarship awards was cancelled and this years will be cancelled as well. I like to hope and pray that as more people are vaccinated, we will be able to have monthly meetings, socials and events once again. Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry………..
Mike Caligiuri, Grand Commander
I have been working with Dr. Laura Hall from SDSU to co-ordinate the awarding of scholarships to honor SN Herman Mosqueda and SN John Garrahy who passed away this year. I will notify Sultana Violet Mosqueda, Herman’s wife and Bridgett Torrence, John’s granddaughter as soon as Dr. Laura finalizes the awards to this year’s recipients. As you know this is usually done at the annual Ben Ziri St. Patty’s Day party but do to the corona virus we will not be gathering this year. Even though we cannot physically meet, our thoughts and prayers are with Violet and Bridgett as well as Herman and John as we honor them for all of their good work as faithful members of Ben Ziri caravan. They shall not be forgotten. Tony A.
All Caravan Functions will be Postponed until the Coronavirus Pandemic has passed. Be Safe and God Bless.
Region Eight Raffle:
The Raffle drawing will take place at the Ben Ziri Meeting each month. Please join us.
Tickets are still available!!
Contact Info: We are adding additional contact info in our database to help us keep in contact in case of changes we are not aware of. Please forward your alternate contact info to my email: taberbc@gmail.comor the address below:
1826 Via Monserate
Fallbrook, Ca. 92028
Website……. I encourage everyone who has access to the internet to visit the site periodically. You can view the latest Blog, Photo Gallery, The Fez Sez, Event Calendar, Meeting Minutes, Membership Applications, Scholarship Application, Caravan By Laws and Make a Donation at
The Fez Sez:…..If anyone is not receiving the Fez Sez via email and would like to, please contact me and I will make sure it happens.
The Fez Sez:…..If anyone would like contribute to The Fez Sez please forward it to me for publishing.
Thursday, Febuary 18th ……. Monthly Ben Ziri Meeting
Cancelled due to Coronavirus !
February Birthdays:
10…… Michael Caligiuri 16…… Kennith Owen 21…… Ida Acuna
24…… Lupe Marez 25…… Robert Flaherty 28…… John Gili
February Anniversaries:
9……. Fernando and Ida Acuna
Sickness and Distress:
Please keep in your prayers all our members, families and loved ones, and especially;
Violet Mosqueda, John Pacheco, John Brown, Lucy Carroll, Mary Cloud. Joy De Maggio. Tom Baxter’s sister Elizabeth, Tom Baxter. The Andreas family member Shane Romick. Lupe Marez, Juliana Renfro, Bob Santos, Fran Santos, Dorothy Van Tassel, Ken Owen, Juliana Taber, Don and Janet Getty , Eric Gilliland son of Stan and Marilyn Gilliland, Fr Michael Dallmeier, Carol Kostick, Chuck and Joanie Ayash, Ted Napolitano and Fran Samhammer.
Michael Caligiuri, Grand Commander
Phone # 760 940-9546 Email: